This position is for:
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Applications close: 2 years ago - 28/11/2022.
Long Term Relieving positions for 2023
Note, some positions are CoL or Trust Board funded
1 Junior – 2 SU 1 MMA
This role will involve leading a team of learning coaches to ensure the overall wellbeing of our junior students and raise the profile of our Maori students in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. Tasks include driving achievement and performance as wells as monitoring attendance, punctuality and wellbeing using key data such as PASS.
1 Senior – 2 SU 1 MMA
This role will involve overall management of the senior school leading a team of learning coaches to manage aspects such as attendance, punctuality, uniform and overall wellbeing. The role will also involve working closely with HODs to evaluate and drive NCEA performance and raise the profile of our Maori students in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi
5 Year Level Deans – 1 SU 1 MMA - one evening a week at Prep is a prerequisite for these roles. Please state year level.
This role will involve day to day leadership of a team of Learning coaches to ensure overall wellbeing of students in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. In this role you will be required to manage attendance, punctuality, uniform standards as well as monitor and drive improvements in achievement.
5 x Growth mindset coaches – 2 CoL SU’s. Senior management requires a team of 5 school wide growth leadership coaches to continue our coaching programme into 2021. Successful candidates will be given up to date practical training about the process of coaching. The main role of the school wide coach is to help other staff through the process of goal setting, implementation and review. Candidates should have good communication skills and display a growth mindset. This is a one year fixed term position. Applicants will need to hold a current practicing certificate.
1 Arts Faculty Leader – 2 MMA
This role will involve leading the arts subjects by hosting regular fortnightly meetings of the arts subjects to keep them informed of school wide changes and provide a forum for discussion around key school information.
1 Numeracy Coordinator – 1 SU
This role will involve gathering, analysis and use of numeracy data such as PATs/Asttle. Also the introduction of the new NCEA numeracy standards and school wide strategies to improve numeracy skills.
1 Literacy Coordinator – 1 SU
This role will involve gathering, analysis and use of literacy data to improve literacy across the school working with SLT, HODs, teachers and Kahui Ako leaders. In addition, this role will include the introduction of the new NCEA literacy standards.
1 timetabler – or person interested in this area.
This role will involve meeting regularly with SLT to design new timetable structures to meet the needs of the curriculum refresh. 1 SU
Please apply by way of expression of interest by Monday 28th November 2022 to Mrs B Ngataki (Principal's Personal Assistant) email: [email protected]