This position is for:

Fraser High School Careers

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Learning Support Coordinator

Applications close: 2 years ago - 20/01/2023.

Fraser High School Board of Trustees is seeking a Learning Support Coordinator

This permanent role that will: 

  • Support aakonga/students through building an inclusive school or kura and cluster environment which encourages participation, progress and successful transitions.

  • Support kaiako/teachers in schools and kura to lift their capability to better meet the needs of learners, and to strengthen their connections with early learning services.

  • Support parents and whaanau to build better relationships of understanding around learning support and establishing points of contact if needed.

  • Work alongside other LSCs across the cluster and connect with the Learning Support Facilitator and wider agencies.

  • Work with school or kura leadership team to influence and encourage them about ensuring the needs of all students receive the appropriate support to enhance their learning and progress. 

Formation of Actions: 

Kaawanatanga / Honourable Leadership: How are our processes, actions and decision-making informed and shaped by both haukaainga and tangata Tiriti worldviews/perspectives?

Rangatiratanga / Self Determination, Agency, Mana Motuhake: How are we supporting haukaainga led processes, actions and decision-making through sharing power and resources?

Ooritetanga / Equity, Partnership: What specific actions are we undertaking to ensure equitable outcomes for haukaainga?

The Spoken Promise / Protection: How do we ensure haukaainga worldviews, values and wairuatanga are present in our kura?

Applications close on Friday 20th January 2023 at 12pm.